Saturday, August 7, 2010

The Best Academic Reference Apps

Ready or not, another school year is just around the corner. As someone who works in education, I can see the great potential of using the iPad in school. Electronic organizers have been used for years now to help keep students on schedule. The iPad offers a tool that not only would help with organization, but also with research and act as a learning aid to students with difficulties.

Follow the link below for a list of some great apps to load on your favourite student's iPad before they head out the door.

Accessibility features among e-readers

I've found this interesting article relating the accessibility features of several e-readers - the iPad iBooks app was among the readers explored. These are features that can aid the visually impaired in reading electronic books.

It seems that all the most popular e-readers available today still leave a great deal of room for improvement, however we are well on our way to making the world of e-books available to everyone.

Follow the link to read the article in its entirety.

Amazing iPad Wallpaper

I found this link last night and thought I would share it with you all. There are 40 images that will work perfectly for the iPad and help make it look so much cooler than it already is.

I know I am always trying out new iPad wallpaper. With the iPad's crisp display, having a beautiful image in the background really does enhance the whole iPad experience.

Follow the link and feast your eyes.

How-To: Make your own Moleskine iPad Case

There's just something about a Moleskine book isn't there? Its clean simple design is almost ageless. You can buy the iPad version but DODOcase makes them by hand and it will take a while to get one while setting you back almost $50 at the same time.

Follow the link below to see how one iPad owner made his own, and documented the entire process so that you can make one too!


App Review: Popular Mechanics now available in App form

Popular Mechanics

Popular Mechanics Magazine


No need to stand in line to buy another dead tree. Now you can grab a copy of Popular Mechanics right on your iPad. Follow the link to pick it up for yourself.

Get it here

App Review: NFB of Canada

NFB films for iPad

By The National Film Board of Canada


I used to love watching some of these National Film Board movies when I was a kid. This is back in the day when there were only three TV channels to choose from. I remember watching some of these movies and thinking 'Wow, they'll put any crap on TV'. Now, many years later, they're treasured memories for me.

Anyway, if you are Canadian and, like me, you want to re-live some of these old memories, give this app a try. I still laugh at the "Stop sawing the sofa" line. :)

There are at least a few hours of entertainment in here somewhere for you.

App Review: Osmos

Osmos for iPad

By Hemisphere Games

$4.99 - and worth every penny!

This is one of the most addictive games I have played on the iPad. Visually it is just stunning to look at. The beautiful graphics and the soft gentle method of play remind me of ZEN gardening. You drift slowly and avoid the “bad/bigger” blobs while slowly absorbing the smaller blobs. Sounds simple right? That’s the beauty of this game. At times it reminds me of the micro world of single cell organisms, and at other times it’s like I’m looking at planets orbiting the sun.

A surprising addition to the game play is the music. It really suits the game play perfectly. The game would be fine without the music, but it’s such a nice touch that truly adds to the overall enjoyment of the game.

This game really suits the iPad well, and I couldn’t imagine playing it on any other platform.

I personally rate this game as 10/10, but the App store gives it a 4+ rating.

iPad App store gets an update

You don't have to look to hard to see what's new at the App store for your iPad. If you look way down at the bottom, you'll see a new icon there, just waiting for your favourite pointing meat stick to give it a tap. Apple's ever popular Genius feature is now available for all your iPad Apps. No doubt, in an attempt to keep us buying the more costly brethren to the iPhone/Touch apps. Apple is continuing to remind us that there are still more apps to be had.

Friday, August 6, 2010

What's under the hood?

Underneath all that shiny glass and machined aluminum goodness lies the heart of the iPad - the A4 processor. This is the new chip Apple designed just for it's mobile device line-up. The A4 is a 1GHz, system-on-a-chip and is truly an amazing feat of engineering. It combines power with almost unbelievably low power consumption - allowing the iPad to run for 10 hours on a single charge.

I've unearthed some interesting details on this wonder-chip. Follow the jump below for the complete run-down.