Saturday, November 20, 2010

A Daily Newspaper just for the iPad?

Steve Jobs and Rupert Murdoch have reportedly been working for several months on creating a download only daily newspaper called aptly enough - 'The Daily'. It's reported that this app will cost $0.99 per week. It's expected that this new venture will be officially announced by months end.

Read all about it here.

FREE MobileMe in iOS 4.2?

Some very astute individuals have uncovered a series of error messages build into the iOS 4.2 framework that may suggest free MobileMe accounts are coming to new iDevices. I guess we'll have to wait and see.

Check it out: AppleinsiderMacRumors

Friday, November 19, 2010

Hey, want a cheap iPad?

Retailer TJ Maxx is all set to sell the low end iPad model (16GB, WiFi) for $399! But don't go running out just yet. It seems that these won't be available until Black Friday.


iPad 2.0 only months away!

The rumours are flying today, that the next iteration of the iPad is potentially only months away. It looks like we may have a new iPad as early as February 2011. Judging from what I have seem around the net, it may be lighter than the current version, and of course will sport at least one camera (most likely due to Facetime).

Check out some of the stories here, here, here, here, and here.

Thinner, Carbon Fiber iPad?

Apple's new patent suggests that the next iPad will not only be thinner, but may also include carbon fibber in its make-up. Gizmodo has a nice looking image of what it may look like.

Check it out here, and here.

iPad iOS 4.2 already Jailbroken

iOS 4.2 has not even been released yet, and already the jailbreak community is ready to punch a hole through it's defences and unlock the iPad's true potential. It's been a cat-and-mouse game from the beginning with all of Apple's iDevices. It seems the more they try and lock it down, the more determined people are to jailbreak it. Anyway, when the new iOS drops (probably next Wednesday) there will be a jailbreak option available for those who wish to partake.

Find out more here.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

App Review - RAGE

by id Software

This is an amazing example of id's new Tech 5 engine on a mobile device. As far as FPS go - top notch.

Grab it now!

Hulu Plus ready for iOS 4.2

Hulu has lowered it's monthly price to $7.99 and has made sure it's ready for the new iOS 4.2 for iPad. It seems that everyone is getting ready for iOS to drop next week.

Check it out here.

SlingPlayer for iPad - Your television on your iPad

Sling Media posted a video showing off the SlingPlayer running on an iPad. It's a $30 app, but if you already have a Slingbox DVR, this is a must-have app.

Check out the video here.

App Review - 60 Minutes for iPad

60 Minutes for iPad
By CBS Interactive

This new app features video and articles from the TV broadcasts and the official 60 Minutes website along with exclusive content for the app.

Check it out here.

Google Docs now editable on iPad

Google has finally added the ability to actually edit your google docs right from your ipad!


Things for IPad Gets Ready for iOS 4.2

Things app, is now locked and loaded for iOS 4.2, complete with Multitasking support and local notifications.


By Cultured Code

Check out Things for iPad here.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Twitter Updates it's iPad App

By Twitter Inc.

Twitter app, now with push notifications. The world collectively exhales.

Download the App here.

Flash browsing on your iPad via Skyfire

From a recent tweet, it looks like Skyfire will soon have an iPad version available of their immensely popular mobile flash-enabled web-browser.


iPads showing up at Sam’s Club

Now while you're picking up a case of pickles or a twenty pack of pillows at Sam's club you can grab an iPad on your way to the checkout. Sam's Club USA is now selling the iPad at a slight discount.

See for yourself here.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

App Review - Pulse News Reader

Pulse News Reader
By Alphonso Labs Inc.
FREE - Was $1.99

Pulse News reader is a great app that lets you plug into many RSS feeds to get all your news in one very decent looking iPad interface.

Check it out here.

Apple iOS 4.2 update delayed until Nov 24

The Telegraph is reporting that the much anticipated iPad iOS 4.2 update will finally be available November 24th. This is much later than some had hoped for. Let's hope they finally get this puppy out the door.


Hundreds of Pearson Books Now Available on Apple's iBookstore

Pearson announced today that it is releasing hundreds of its books for home, office and technology professionals on Apple's iBook store. This move brings the iPad one step closer to educational use, as Pearson is considered a huge player in the textbook market.


New Gorillaz album to be produced on an iPad

Gorillaz front man Damon Albarm recently reported in NME magazine that he has been recording the Gorillaz next album on an iPad!

Just Amazing!


Apple Adds Ping Social Network Features to IPad

Ping is now available for you iPad. Ping, in case you don't remember or care, is Apples attempt at a social media, where listeners can ping their favorite music with their friends. This or course assumes that your friends are all using Ping as well.

You can find Ping on your iPad in the iTunes store.


iOS 4.2! Any minute now...

Well, another Tuesday has come and Apple's big tease for today resulted in The Beatles coming to iTunes. There was hope that iOS 4.2 was finally finished baking and ready for release today. So the wait continues, and we'll have to wait a little longer for multitasking and folders on our iPads.

I won't hold my breath for too long.

Sales predictions lower for the iPad

Analysts are predicting Apple will sell fewer than expected iPad's this quarter. Predictions were as high as 6 million iPads being sold in it's forth quarter. It seems that consumers may be opting for new smart phones, and computers instead of the iPad, which can be considered a 'tween' device.


RIM's playbook goes head-to-head with iPad with surprising results!

Well, I hate to say it but the RIM Playbook looks faster at browsing the net than our favourite mobile iDevice. But the iPad still wins the race in other areas.

Judge for yourself here.