Monday, August 16, 2010

App Review - Toodledo

By: Toodledo

One of the neatest things I like to use my iPad for is to keep my todo list. I have been using pads of paper for years to keep track on my tasks. The iPad seems fairly well suited for the task. I have started to use it at work and around the house to keep track of what needs to be done. It's so much more natural to use the iPad with a productivity app than to use any type of laptop.

If you've been holding out for a good free app to improve your own productivity then you are in luck. If you run over the the App Store you can grab this handy app today for free.

With it you can enter all your tasks, add them to folders, and make little notes for each of them. It's a great way to keep things organized.

Check it out here.

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