Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Apple releases patch - kills Jail-break

Apple officially released it's patch for the iPad and iPhone today. The new firmware iOS 3.2.2, effectively kills the new Jailbreak that was well publicized last week. Apple was able to identify the cause of the security hole, as reported earlier - a flaw in the PDF code - and back fill it in.

This is bad news for anyone enjoying the world of Jail-breaking and all that can be found in the Cydia repository. But this is great news for anyone looking to avoid a possible security breach and exploitation of their iPad.

It's a mixed blessing, if you will. My advice: if you value a safe, secure iPad, run the update through iTunes as soon as you can. If you want to walk on the wild side and keep your iPad at risk, all the while enjoying being off Apple's leash, good luck. You may just need it.

Link to Apples official support site here.

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